Oasis 028706-013 Friction Washer

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 1.125 × 1 × 1 in


“Went in with an old faucet stem that no big box store carried, left with a replacement in less than 5 minutes. ”
-Andrew J



Since 1910, we’ve focused on one thing and one thing only: delivering refreshing water to the world.


Back then we never imagined that 1.1 billion people would lack ready access to clean drinking water. We only knew that everyone on the planet should have safe, drinkable water.


So we set out to change things, one sip at a time.


Since then, we’ve pioneered the delivery of clean drinking water with such products as bottle fillers, water coolers, drinking fountains, bottleless coolers, under counter coolers, dehumidifiers, and countless environmentally friendly products.

We can ship anywhere the US Postal Service ships. For orders being shipped outside the US, please contact us at (888) ASK-NOEL, noelsplumbingsupply@fuse.net, or via the text widget on this screen.

SKU: 12968 Category: Tag:

Oasis Friction Washer



Common questions about this product

Is this item the original manufacturer's recommended replacement part? chevron-icon

Yes, this is the OEM recommended part.

Is this the correct item for my application? chevron-icon

If you’re not sure text us a picture 1-888-275-6635 or email us a picture at noelsplumbingsupply@fuse.net.


We will make sure you have the right part.



Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 1.125 × 1 × 1 in


“Thank you for calling us. This is a very kind gesture and I can't thank you enough. I appreciate your kindness. ”
-Doris & Jerry