Hercules 45333 Hand Cleaning Towels

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 6 in


“Just want to say THANK YOU for your help with this! I couldn't believe the handle arrived Thursday (after ordering Wednesday). I brought it up to my dad's house Friday and just looking at it I didn't think it was going to fit....but it fit perfectly. So appreciative for your expertise and quick shipping! ”
-Ashley K.



Hercules® For Hands™Hand Cleaning Towels require no water, scrubbing or rinsing, and they dry immediately with no residue. Towels are manufactured of high-strength, non-woven cloth saturated with a mild, but heavy duty cleaning liquid. Plumbers have come to trust the Hercules offering to provide the highest quality of plumbing products.

We can ship anywhere the US Postal Service ships. For orders being shipped outside the US, please contact us at (888) ASK-NOEL, noelsplumbingsupply@fuse.net, or via the text widget on this screen.

SKU: 18057 Category: Tags: ,

Hercules Hand Cleaning Towels


  • Big enough to do the job right – 12″ x 10″ towels
  • Will no leave scrapes or marks on surfaces.
  • Easily remove industrial paints, epoxy and polyester resin, lubricants, adhesives, tar, printers inks, sealants, grease, oil, grime, caulk and flux
  • Softens and removes plastic pipe cements
  • Non-abrasive material does not irritate hands; aloe vera, vitamin E and lanolin moisturizers leave hands soft and smooth
  • Formulated for and preferred by plumbers
  • Contains no harsh solvents
  • Can also be used to clean surfaces such as steel, aluminum, laminates, wood and others






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Hercules Hand Cleaning Towels Product Specifications & MSDS

Common questions about this product

Is this item the original manufacturer's recommended replacement part? chevron-icon

Yes, this is the OEM recommended part.

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 6 in


“Just wanted to thank you for the great service, quality product, and fast shipping, we appreciate all of it. Best, Rod S. ”
-Rod S.