40mm Single Handle Ceramic Cartridge for Tuscany & Other Faucets N40DW KJ1013X 674-6265 1152401

Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 in


“Just want to say THANK YOU for your help with this! I couldn't believe the handle arrived Thursday (after ordering Wednesday). I brought it up to my dad's house Friday and just looking at it I didn't think it was going to fit....but it fit perfectly. So appreciative for your expertise and quick shipping! ”
-Ashley K.



40mm Single Handle Ceramic Cartridge for Tuscany & Other Faucets

We can ship anywhere the US Postal Service ships. For orders being shipped outside the US, please contact us at (888) ASK-NOEL, noelsplumbingsupply@fuse.net, or via the text widget on this screen.

SKU: 21654 13102a Category: Tags: ,

40mm Single Handle Ceramic Cartridge for Tuscany & Other Faucets


N40DW     KJ1013X     KF0721X     674-6265     1152401


2 1/2″ Length

Common questions about this product

Is this item the original manufacturer's recommended replacement part? chevron-icon

Yes, this is the OEM recommended part.

Is this the correct item for my application? chevron-icon

If you’re not sure text us a picture 1-888-275-6635 or email us a picture at noelsplumbingsupply@fuse.net.


We will make sure you have the right part.



Will this item replace the original OEM part? chevron-icon

Yes, this aftermarket part will replace your OEM part. 

Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 in


“Just wanted to thank you for the great service, quality product, and fast shipping, we appreciate all of it. Best, Rod S. ”
-Rod S.