40MM Single Handle Ceramic Cartridge for Import Faucet S40D SZHW17GH

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 in


“Thank you for calling us. This is a very kind gesture and I can't thank you enough. I appreciate your kindness. ”
-Doris & Jerry



40MM Single Handle Ceramic Cartridge for Import Faucet

We can ship anywhere the US Postal Service ships. For orders being shipped outside the US, please contact us at (888) ASK-NOEL, noelsplumbingsupply@fuse.net, or via the text widget on this screen.

40MM Single Handle Ceramic Cartridge for Import Faucet


S40D     SZHW17GH


2 1/2″ Length

Common questions about this product

Is this item the original manufacturer's recommended replacement part? chevron-icon

Yes, this is the OEM recommended part.

Is this the correct item for my application? chevron-icon

If you’re not sure text us a picture 1-888-275-6635 or email us a picture at noelsplumbingsupply@fuse.net.


We will make sure you have the right part.



Will this item replace the original OEM part? chevron-icon

Yes, this aftermarket part will replace your OEM part. 

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 in


“Hello, I was in the shop on Tuesday and was greeted and helped by a gentleman named Jackson. He was extremely helpful, friendly and it was really a pleasure to see a young man working in this industry with knowledge and kindness. I run my my own small business and was a first time customer at Noel’s, being greeted and cared for in that manner will definitely bring about my return. I want to send me sincerest gratitude to your team. Thanks again! ”
-Jimmy M.